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Modern-day embodiment of the O’otham ethos

This land has a deep history, a lineage of care, and a heritage that stretches back to times immemorial. The Akimel O’otham, or "River People," have always had a profound relationship with the Rio Salado. Their intrinsic value of protection is embedded in their very name. Protectors of the Salt River - Onk Akimel Ha Ñukutham, is not just a title, but a calling that embodies their philosophy. In O’otham culture, leaders were revered as protectors, safeguarding their sacred lands and communities.

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Our Mission

Protectors of the Salt River are a community of passionate individuals who come together to preserve and celebrate our cultural heritage. Through our shared vision, we aim to create a space where people can connect with the land, learn about the significance of the Salt River, and engage with the rich cultural history of our region. We believe in the importance of understanding and protecting our natural resources, and the fragility of ecosystems. Join us in our mission to safeguard our natural environments for future generations.

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